Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Misc. Ranting

Let's have another go at the blogging.

Why is toilet paper in public restrooms so damn thin, I mean you can see right through it. Do they think that this saves them money? Well I think not, all that does is make me use more. I mean come on how can anyone expect to use this thin paper. It was invented for a reason, can you imagine if someone uses this toilet paper like Charmin advertises by using less. Well, then the person would just be using more of the public restroom soap. Assuming the person bought something it said store to use said public facilities.

So because I'm pretty excited about the new movie here's a Bruno clip:

Because I find bands a little pushy on MySpace, I thought I would share a portion of the latest message I received from a band.

"By the way, we are opening for ~`|\ @State Theatre April (^. If you want tickets, hit us up... They are cheaper through us than on Ticket Master and we really need the support (so we can show the labels that we mean buisness!)"

Now, there is no way that this message was typed especially for me. So, that being said, they want to show the labels that they mean"buisness"?!?! Yes, I'm sure that will really show them you mean "buisness." So you sent out this mass e-mail on MySpace to possibly get people to your show, so that you may show the labels "buisness"? That's gonna work. I say bravo. Keep it up. Oh, by the way "Ticketmaster" is one word as well.


 I'm glad I got rid of my Sidekick.

Because I have loved this video of two guys doing a "cover" of Mika's Grace Kelly for so long I would like to share it with you know:

I just found out that these guys actually have more covers so for Sapphic Owl
this one's for you:

Good Night.

P.S.- Madison jus informed that Miley Cyrus forgot to shave her pits for the American Idol show tonight. Oops...


  1. They desecrated that song. Holy fuck.

  2. I couldn't make it through the video. I want a damn drink, now.
