Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Early Evening Post-Work, Pre-Softball

I feel like posting, but I have no ideas, nothing running through my mind. So I have either decided to ramble or cut it short.  

I don't like people that yell at you, then when you prove them wrong they don't apologize. Even though they say "oh, okay." Those fuckers. 

I wish there was some regulation of people that get out of line on a regular basis. (it took me a minute to spell "basis" correct, then it came to me) 

Madison is making Tuna Helper. 

I melted a top to a butter container on the stove last night.  We have a flat top stove not one of those coil ones. (That would've been even more of a bitch than it already was.) The label that said "country crock" (I think) was melted on to the stove, that was harder to get off than the plastic. 

I have recently started to like Jon Bon Jovi, not all of music, but some singles. Especially the song they kept playing during the MLB Playoffs. 

I always used to say I like all music except Country music, though recently I have started to like some (as stated in last statement), don't get me wrong, some of that shit SUCKS. 

I really have gotten used to my G1, even though I never thought I could love another phone after having a sidekick for so long. The G1 successfully swept me off my feet. I thank Google for that. I think it really has to do with the Android Operating System, because when I had another HTC phone (the Wing) I hated it. The Wing had WinMo, I will never own another phone that has that OS. Fuck Winmo! Yup, that's how I really feel. 

My Superbowl prediction:

Pittsburgh vs. Cardinals

I really would not want to see the Eagles come to Tampa after what happen in the World Series, and I don't think Baltimore's offensive has it in them to pull off a win against Pittsburgh. Yes, I know when they played earlier this year they came close in OT. I just don't think it's gonna happen. Plus, Flacco has gotten the award of only rookie QB, to win 2 playoff games.



  1. How bored were you to melt shit on the stove? I'm inclined to agree with your assessment of the NFC part of the card, but I'm pulling for Baltimore over Pit.

  2. On second thought, I don't like Kurt Warner. I'd like to see Larry Fitzgerald do well, but I believe in DeSean Jackson and Donovoan McNabb and I'm not totally against seeing Eagles fans in Tampa. It'll make for some good headlines. Make Tampa PD do their job.

    I still stand by the Ravens, though. A girl can hope...
